Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The very first time

I suspect that everyone has nostalgia accompanying memories of their first _____: first date, first kiss, first start on the varsity squad. Every subsequent instance is unable to measure up to that initial thrill, even if it could somehow be measured and shown to be objectively better. Right now I wish I could relive the first time I put in contact lenses. After wearing glasses for years, I had thought that good vision was good vision, and the only switch would be not having the clunky frames on my face. But now even my peripheral vision crackled with a clarity that glasses could never have provided. I no longer had to look directly at the floor for it to be anything other than an eternally fuzzy carpet of varying hues. I sometimes get a glimpse of that experience if I go without contacts for a few days or a week, just long enough for my brain to forget. Maybe one day I'll find a special pair that will make me feel like it's the first time all over again. Some day.

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