Wednesday, May 14, 2008

How I studied Landlord/Tenant relations

I should have posted this a while ago but I was too busy procrastinating studying that I forgot. Lo siento. Allow me now to present my Property review course: The Landlord.
Even the singing BarBri lady can't touch that.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Omnibus Mitchell Post

Mitchell: “Love is just a social construct to cover up some rather unseemly biological processes.”


Mitchell: “You call ME to the stand, an unimpeachable witness!”
Class: *Hearty Laughter*
Mitchell: “That was not supposed to prompt hearty laughter.”


Mitchell: "[When choosing a car] You can either choose the Yugo, with its tin foil sides or the Lexus, which, if someone looks at you the wrong way, encompasses you in sweet, loving foam...did I just say loving foam? I think I meant life-saving foam. Loving foam...I’d pay a lot for that."

This is to supplement my previous omnibus post of other professors' amusing comments, with the same disclaimer and apology if some of the material has previously found its way into the Law Weekly.

Voice Identification: FRE 901(b)(5)

A week or two into the semester:

Prof. Mitchell: “Mr. Graves, have you heard my voice before?”
Graves: “No.”
Graves: “I tune out during class.”

Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Hornbook Cartel

Sometimes I wonder if certain professors don't have contracts with hornbook publishers such that the professor promises to to absolutely incomprehensible in return for a slice of the profits from study guide sales. Not to name names, but having seen every member of my Property class toting an average of two different hornbooks (plus the casebook), I start to wonder how I can get in on that racket.