Saturday, December 1, 2007

He's a ghost...who writes!

A bunch of us had a law school party last night to celebrate both the lifting of the ban on contacting legal employers and the instantiation of the new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. Somewhere along the way, the majority of us gave up on envelope-stuffing and sat through the entire first story arc of the Ghostwriter TV show from the early Nineties. Jonathan at least had never seen the show before and I had only seen the occasional episode (I wasn't allowed to watch it growing up because of the occult overtones).

Oh, had we missed out.

Among many unintentionally hilarious moments, I particularly enjoyed when one character said, of quarters, "They're kind of like money!"

Were we incredibly loopy when we watched this? Goodness yes, it was almost midnight before we finished and most of us had been writing cover letters or stuffing envelopes most of the day. Was it also some of the most fun we've had at law school? Undoubtedly so.

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