Monday, December 10, 2007

First exam is done

You know, on one level, exam period is what law school is all about. Since the result of the whole semester hinges on what happens during that time, you could say that it's really the only two weeks that matter out of the whole four months. But on another level, exam weeks are a complete aberration in relation to the rest of the year. Students who in November still had to ask a PA where the library was now have their mail forwarded to the second floor stacks. Those who had previously nested in the study carrels now flee to brighter shores upon seeing the sad parade of unwashed masses make inroads upon their erstwhile sanctuary. The Thursday keg is a distant memory. The Virginia Law Weekly has stopped its presses. The beanbags don't fly, and the bocce don't roll. Has Virginia at last remembered that it is a top ten school?

I'd write more and try to drum up some enthusiasm for a healthy work/life balance but, I, uh, gotta go study some Torts...

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